National Book Award nominee Johanna Kaplan joins Zibby to discuss her latest collection of short stories, Loss of Memory Is Only Temporary. Johanna shares how she's continued to write while she taught for the past thirty-five years, what is the number one thing she looks for both in the books she reads and her own writing, and when she knew she wanted to become a writer. Johanna also tells Zibby about how her characters continue to stay with her and who she hopes this collection will appeal to the most.



We're re-releasing Zibby's interview with Delia Owens just in time for the movie premiere of Where the Crawdad's Sing on July 15th!! Delia is the coauthor of three internationally bestselling nonfiction books about her life as a wildlife scientist. A winner of the John Burroughs Award for nature writing, Delia has been published in Nature, The African Journal of Ecology, and others. She wrote Cry of the Kalahari about her years living in the African wild studying lions and hyenas, and co-wrote The Eye of the Elephant and Secrets of the Savannah about her years studying elephants. Where the Crawdads Sing was Reese’s Book Club pick and is a #1 New York Times bestseller.



Zibby is joined by Jane Pek to talk about her debut novel, The Verifiers. Jane shares her whirlwind success story, from how she pushed herself to get an MFA to landing an agent, a book deal, and a New York Times book review. Zibby and Jane also discuss how Jane's career as a lawyer and early love for mystery books both found their way into this novel, why she felt the world of online dating was ripe for a murder story, and what other kinds of projects she's looking to try her hand at.

Kimberly B. Cummings, NEXT MOVE, BEST MOVE

Kimberly B. Cummings, NEXT MOVE, BEST MOVE

Career development coach, public speaker, and CEO of Manifest Yourself Kimberly B. Cummings joins Zibby to discuss her first book, Next Move, Best Move, which compiles her best professional advice for all types of readers. The two talk about what makes a good leader in the workplace, the effects of Corporate PTSD (as well as an instance in which Kimberly experienced it herself), and what inspired her to write this book. Kimberly also shares the journey she went on to build up her coaching business and how it makes her feel to watch those she's advised advance their careers.

Annabel Monaghan, NORA GOES OFF SCRIPT

Annabel Monaghan, NORA GOES OFF SCRIPT

Zibby is joined by columnist and author of Does This Volvo Make My Butt Look Big? Annabel Monaghan to discuss her debut adult novel, Nora Goes Off Script, which is one of Zibby's current favorite books. The two talk about how Annabel always knew she wanted to write but didn't start her career until her late thirties, why she became so inspired by Hallmark Channel movies, and what each reader believes this story's love interest looks like. Annabel also shares how she found writing both this novel and her next project so enjoyable, even during the early days of the pandemic. Check out Zibby's review of Nora Goes Off Script here!

Lizzie Damilola Blackburn, YINKA, WHERE IS YOUR HUZBAND?

Lizzie Damilola Blackburn, YINKA, WHERE IS YOUR HUZBAND?

Zibby is joined by Lizzie Damilola Blackburn to discuss her debut novel, Yinka, Where Is Your Huzband?, which grew out of a short story she once posted on her blog. The two talk about how the pandemic helped Lizzie settle into a post-commuter lifestyle enough to write this story, the enviable relationship she has with her former editor, and what her mom thought of the finished book. Lizzie also shares how her own network of aunties differs from that in her novel as well as what she's working on next.

Julie Clark, THE LIES I TELL

Julie Clark, THE LIES I TELL

"That's the fun part about writing fiction. You get to imagine yourself into these roles that you never ever would do on your own." New York Times bestseller Julie Clark joins Zibby to talk about her latest thriller, The Lies I Tell, which was inspired by Julie's belief that women make better con artists. The two discuss what they think about the people sitting next to them at red lights, their fears about making too much personal information accessible online, and whether or not Julie wanted to try any of her protagonist's tricks. Julie also shares her encounters with houselessness and how she strives to destigmatize it in school as a fifth-grade teacher.



#1 New York Times bestselling author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking Susan Cain joins Zibby to talk about her latest book, Bittersweet. The two discuss the power and prevalence of experiencing feelings of bittersweetness, the effect the pandemic had on some of the people involved in Susan's research, and when she felt bittersweet feelings of longing in her own life. Susan also shares the note her husband wrote that continues to encourage her to write and which projects she's developing next. Check out both Susan's brand new TED Talk and Bittersweet playlist!



"I think that to be antiracist and even to raise a child to be antiracist is not a static sort of thing. It is indeed a journey. It's a process. It's a behavior." #1 New York Times bestselling author, professor, and activist Dr. Ibram X. Kendi joins Zibby to talk about his new book, How To Raise An Antiracist, which combines research with parenting advice and pieces of Ibram's own memoir. The two discuss moments in Ibram's life that he uses to highlight everyday inequalities, why it is so significant that children start understanding empathy at age two, and what it really means to create an antiracist world for your children to grow up in.



"We have these predestined moments in life that shape us. They determine the whole trajectory of what we will achieve." Zibby is joined by lifelong librarian and children's book author Alice Faye Duncan to talk about her latest book, Opal Lee and What It Means to Be Free, which shares the story of the grandmother of Juneteenth. The two discuss the main lesson Alice wants to teach young readers about historic heroes who are still alive today, as well as why she has decided to leave teaching after twenty-nine years. Alice also excitedly shares which project she is working on next about a blues fable set in the Mississippi Delta and why she was exceptionally conscious about picking its illustrator.



Zibby is joined by author Jeff Hoffmann to talk about his debut novel, Other People's Children, which is now out in paperback. The two discuss Jeff's essay about who can tell which kinds of stories which he wrote in response to people's surprise that he was not a woman, as well as how his own experiences with adoption inspired the core of the novel. Jeff shares why he made the decision to quit his job and get an MFA at 47, how his relationship with his daughter has found its way into a number of his projects, and what he is working on next.

Rachel Signer, YOU HAD ME AT PET-NAT

Rachel Signer, YOU HAD ME AT PET-NAT

Natural wine journalist, founder of Pipette Magazine, and winemaker Rachel Signer joins Zibby to discuss her memoir, You Had Me at Pét-Nat. The two talk about how and why Rachel made the leap into writing about natural wine at a time when many had no idea what that was and the experience she had that inspired her to share her stories in Pipette. Rachel also shares how to find natural wine in your area, what it was like to write this during the pandemic with a newborn, and which genre she wants to return to after completing a memoir.



Zibby is joined by broadcast journalist, correspondent, and MSNBC anchor Katy Tur to discuss her latest memoir, Rough Draft. While Katy's first book—a New York Times bestseller—focused on her time covering Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, her new project takes readers into her life growing up as the daughter of two journalists as she worked to make her own name in the industry. Katy tells Zibby what it was like to abruptly shift from an international to a political correspondent, how she's processing the abusive behavior she witnessed in her childhood, and the effect she hopes this book will have on her family as well as readers everywhere.

Rabbi Steve Leder, FOR YOU WHEN I AM GONE

Rabbi Steve Leder, FOR YOU WHEN I AM GONE

Bestselling author of The Beauty of What Remains Rabbi Steve Leder returns to talk with Zibby about his latest book, For You When I'm Gone, which offers examples of how to write a will that encapsulates your whole life's story. The two discuss the impact Rabbi Leder's father's death had on him, as well as the significance of leaving words (which share a Hebrew term with “things”). Rabbi Leder also shares how writing this book has helped him grapple with mortality and what we really want to leave behind for our loved ones.

Sheleana Aiyana, BECOMING THE ONE

Sheleana Aiyana, BECOMING THE ONE

Writer, spiritual counselor, and founder of Rising Woman Sheleana Aiyana joins Zibby to talk about her first book, Becoming the One, which takes readers through one of her self-discovery programs. The two discuss some of the traumas Sheleana faced early on and how she managed to work through them, as well as when she knew she was destined to help other women find themselves. Sheleana also shares why the process of writing this book was so grueling and how working on herself allowed her to find her husband who helped her through her self-doubts.

Jenny Mollen, CITY OF LIKES

Jenny Mollen, CITY OF LIKES

Zibby is joined by actress and writer Jenny Mollen to discuss her first novel, City of Likes, which required a labor of love to publish. The two talk about how the story was inspired by the disconnect Jenny witnessed between mommy influencers’ on and offline lives, what her short-lived agent said that prompted her to try fiction instead of a third memoir, and when she knew writing was her niche. Jenny also shares details about her upcoming Dictator Lunches cookbook and why she is so honest on social media.

Dr. Daniel Black, DON'T CRY FOR ME

Dr. Daniel Black, DON'T CRY FOR ME

"To become a participant in a democracy, to become a participant in a country so that your citizenship is guaranteed, it's so absolutely, positively critical. Otherwise, you always see yourself as an outsider." Professor Dr. Daniel Black joins Zibby to talk about his latest novel, Don't Cry For Me, which he finished the very same day his father died. Daniel and Zibby discuss why Daniel wanted this novel to feature some under-discussed and challenging conversations about parenthood, and particularly how it pertains to Black men. Daniel also shares how his family's story inspired him to pursue his PhD, why it's important to let children grow up to be who they are, and what the sequel to this novel will look like.

Charmaine Wilkerson, BLACK CAKE

Charmaine Wilkerson, BLACK CAKE

Charmaine Wilkerson joins Zibby to discuss her debut novel, Black Cake, which was already a Read with Jenna book club pick and a New York Times Editors Choice. The two talk about the moment Charmaine knew the story she was going to write, which experiences and feelings from her own life are infused in her writing, and the roundabout way she ultimately became a novelist. Charmaine also shares her extensive and diverse reading list and what she is working on next.

Doree Shafrir & Kate Spencer, THANKS FOR WAITING and A NEW YORK MINUTE

Doree Shafrir & Kate Spencer, THANKS FOR WAITING and A NEW YORK MINUTE

Zibby is joined by the two co-hosts of the Forever35 podcast Doree Shafrir and Kate Spencer to talk about their show and respective books. Doree tells Zibby why she wanted to share the lessons she learned as a late-bloomer in her new memoir, Thanks for Waiting, while Kate shares how romance novels saved her after her mom's death which led her to write both her memoir, The Dead Moms Club, and her new novel, In a New York Minute. The three also chat about some of Doree and Kate's favorite podcast guests and what they like most about how their show has evolved.

Victoria V.E. Schwab, GALLANT

Victoria V.E. Schwab, GALLANT

#1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria "V.E." Schwab joins Zibby to discuss her most recent two novels, Gallant and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. The two talk about why Victoria writes under the moniker V.E., what her traumatic response to creativity looks like, and which of her projects have been optioned to be adapted. They also connect over the ups and downs that come with being an artist, as well as why Victoria finds the fantasy genre so fascinating (despite being a voracious memoir reader).