Heidi: This book is about two women. It's about a single mom ghostwriter who has been hired to write a memoir for a prominent women's rights advocate. The advocate lawyer, brilliant woman, decides on running for office but needs to soften her public image. It's been deemed that she needs to publish a memoir of motherhood. She works all time and she doesn't have quite enough mom stories, so she ends up relying on the ghostwriter's own stories. There's this funny interplay of, whose stories are real? Who's the better mom? Of course, no one's the better mom. We're all great and terrible in our own way. It really is about their relationship, but also motherhood, about this single mom to a boy and how much she loves him and feels that she's failing him because she can't earn enough money. That's the brief plot summary. I try not to go on too much because who wants to hear too much plot summary?