Cathleen: Someone reminded of Ann Landers and Dear Abby who were identical twins and had a long, long feud. They each had warring advice columns. I first thought, no, I don't want to write about twins. It’s too difficult. I don't understand them. I'm not a twin. I don't even know any twins very well. Then once that idea got in my head, the twins kept at me. I thought, this is it. This is what I have to write about. Then … someone gave me a book called English as She is Spoke, which is a hilarious book that was a viral -- it was a sensation in the nineteenth century. Supposedly, it was a phrase book for Portuguese travelers in England. Every phrase was insane. It didn't make any sense. It became a comic sensation. Mark Twain wrote an introduction to it. It was so funny. It made me realize I could write about one of my passions, which is language and linguistics and words.