Anna: At times, it felt like I'm making a building. I felt like an architect. Then at other times, I was like, this is more like I'm making a symphony like a composer. I'm neither an architect, nor a composer, nor do I know much about either thing. I am a very structural thinker. I think the only way I could've written this book or even conceived of it is because of that. I use a lot of index cards. Every single scene was an index card. Then I had them color coded at various times. Then I would put them up in my workspace so that I could see how they were relating to each other. I actually did it part by part to break it down further because the book's in three parts. There are three women, but then there are three parts to the book. They're going to weave like this. Then I would put in the different objects and themes and gestures that I had running through the book. I would attach them to those cards because then it helped me to see it visually instead of just -- you can't hold a whole novel in your head, even a slim novel, and this is not one. This is a big, ranging novel. Finding ways to be able to visualize pieces of it at a time was really helpful.