Alice Berman, I EAT MEN LIKE AIR

Alice Berman, I EAT MEN LIKE AIR

Alice: The story has seven main characters. You find out on page one that one of them is dead. You follow that thread back in time through what happened to bring him to that moment in time. There's a traumatic event early on that affects all of these seven people. They are working through that while you as the reader are also trying to figure out what happened to Alex, who is dead. It's all centered around a wedding party and a wedding, which was always something I really wanted to do because I've been a bridesmaid a few times. I think it's really interesting to be in this combination of people where you're really close friends with everyone else who's a bridesmaid, and you don't know any of the groomsmen. You're thrown together over and over again for a year, year and a half. Then you never see each other again.