"Do we recognize when our prayers are being answered if it doesn't come in the form that we wanted?" Mitch Albom, bestselling author of Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet in Heaven, returns to talk with Zibby about his latest novel, The Stranger in the Lifeboat, and why he wanted a thriller about God lost at sea. The two also discuss the many lessons we learn as we age, what they would ask God if he was on the podcast, and how the ways that Mitch's faith has changed throughout his life shaped the big conversations had in the novel.
Mitch: Next thing you know, [Chika] was coming to America at age five. We thought we would end up having her for a couple of months while our brilliant American surgeons would take out this mass, and then she’d be okay and she’d go back and live amongst the kids in Haiti. She never went home. She ended up staying with us and becoming our daughter. For two years, we traveled around the world with her trying to find a cure. The book Finding Chika is the story of that journey to find a cure, but instead finding something else, which is a family and all the ways that we had our eyes opened as a couple who did not have children and were in their late fifties, suddenly had a little five-year-old precocious girl who didn't look like them, didn't talk like them, didn't come from them, but was every bit our little girl.