Alicia: I started to dissect … Different moments in my life were revealing that I was quite oppressed, I would use the word, from the standards of what it is to be a woman, what it is to be a successful woman, what it is to be "beautiful," what it is to be beloved or whatever it is. I started to find myself changing myself or being extra-concerned when I picked up my kids from school. Do I look nice enough to go out with? and all these things that were -- really, I just truly didn't understand how convoluted, how that was affecting me. I didn't even realize that I was that person. I never even thought I was that person. I thought I was super independent and completely a feminist and really strong. I realized, wow, there's so much of me that I'm discovering. That discovery started to uncover parts that I wanted to share and I wanted to think more about and really challenge the way that we're told to be who we think we're supposed to be because we see it in front of us since the day we're born. We don't really get a chance to meet ourselves. That was what I was starting to do. I wanted to share my personal journey with discovering more of myself.