Chandler Baker, THE HUSBANDS

Chandler Baker, THE HUSBANDS

Bestselling author of Whisper Network Chandler Baker returns to talk with Zibby about her latest novel, The Husbands, a Stepford Wives gender-swap. Chandler shares why she wanted to write about the discrepancies in the division of domestic labor, as well as what the responses have been like from actual husbands. The two also discuss the things they love about being a part of the literary community, how Chandler finds time to write with two little kids, and what she is working on next.



Chandler: I think it's kind of natural that your ideas marinate in the books you're being exposed to. I had this idea, almost the title, Whisper Network. It was right after the Shitty Media Men list came out. As a lawyer, I was thinking a lot about the ethics of that list. What was the role of due process? Was there any role of due process? What were people's damages? I was very curious about that. Of course, I don't know about you, but every time I was together with my girlfriends, we would find ourselves talking about the Me Too movement. What have you experienced? How have you responded to those experiences? How do wish you had responded to that experience? How do you relate? How do you not relate to the women coming forward?