Rene: This a very hopeful story. It’s a story not just about surviving. It’s a story about surviving even after really significant trauma. It’s something I can bring to people. We all experience trauma. We all have grief and loss and hardship. We live in this culture where we’re told, particularly if we have certain kinds of traumas happen to us like I did -- I got all these messages growing up that I was broken and damaged. You get these messages. I really internalized it for a long time. The way I actually survived -- my saving grace was the public library. Starting when I was little, I would run to the public library every day after school. I would surround myself with these walls of books. I escaped into story. I escaped into my imagination. That's a really significant theme in this story too, was how the power of story -- I think it’s true with most of us. We can all cite one or two books that really changed our lives. That's what saved me, was the power of books and stories and this eternal hope I always had that things could be better.