Rebecca Serle, IN FIVE YEARS

Rebecca Serle, IN FIVE YEARS

Rebecca: In Five Years is the story of Dannie Kohan who's a corporate lawyer living in New York City who has a very airtight five-year plan. We meet her on the day of her big job interview, the place she's wanted to work forever. She nails the interview. That night, she gets engaged to her boyfriend. Everything is going exactly according to plan. She comes home that night and falls asleep on the couch and wakes up and lives exactly one hour five years in the future, and wakes up in an apartment she's never been before with a man she's never met before. Then she wakes back up in her real life. Four and a half years go by. She meets the man who was in that hour with her. Everything starts to both ravel together and unravel to bring her towards that hour.