Glennon Doyle, UNTAMED
Glennon: Lord have mercy. I fell in love with Abby while I was on a book tour promoting Love Warrior, which was very tricky timing because Love Warrior was being touted all over the place as this epic marriage redemption story. It's interesting. A woman's life, people like for things to be clear cut and black and white. That wasn't my experience. I guess in a way you could say that my marriage was redeemed because we had worked really hard to forgive each other. We were making it work in the way that families who keep showing up for each other do. The problem was that I was just pissed off all the time. [laughs] I was trying to make it work. I was waiting for forgiveness to just fall from the sky and stay. I had this low-level river of rage that just never went away. We were dealing with a lot of things. We were dealing with infidelity. That is what a lot of Love Warrior was about. Some of my rage was about the infidelity. I don't even like leading with that anymore. I feel like I've annoyed myself recently because I find myself leading with that. Yeah, so my husband my cheated on me. I think it's a way of, as a woman, framing things that it's okay for me to do what I wanted because I had this get-out-of-jail-free card. You can honor my decision. You can say it's okay. You can say it's okay for her because she deserved to leave, but I don't want women to think that. I don't want to women to think you have to have a get-out-jail-free card to honor yourself.