Joanna: Folded Wisdom is an illustrated story. I like to throw in the word illustrated to give people a sense of how much color is in the book. It's the story of the morning notes my dad wrote to my brother Theo and me every morning before we went to school. The notes started in '95, not to give away our ages or anything, but they started in 1995 when my brother was in preschool and I was in the second grade. They continued every school morning from then until we both graduated from high school. The book is obviously centered around my dad and the story of how he managed to write these notes and what the lessons were inside. I would be remiss if I didn't shout out the unsung hero of the whole thing who's truly my mother who managed to, after all these years, save them somewhere in the house. My mom sifted them all out and somehow - I think my back-of-the-envelope math says that he probably wrote us like 4,800 notes. We have a little more than 3,500. It's very wild.