Zibby is joined by Michael Frank who returns to discuss his latest book, One Hundred Saturdays: Stella Levi and the Search for a Lost World. Michael shares how the conversations he had with Stella over the last six years were never meant to be a book but evolved as he wanted to share her story as a Holocaust survivor and the history of her homeland with the world. The two also talk about how Stella largely survived Auschwitz due to sheer luck and her incredible will, as well as what it was like for Michael to experience the island of Rhodes through Stella's eyes. Morning Moon Productions, led by Zibby's husband Kyle, just optioned Michael's novel, What Is Missing. Read more about the big news here!

Michael Frank, WHAT IS MISSING

Michael Frank, WHAT IS MISSING

Michael: Typically, I need to see a place in order to inhabit it and then inhabit it with language. I knew I wanted to start the book in Florence, somewhere I had lived in my twenties and which has been a very central place in my imagination and in my heart ever since, as has the whole country of Italy for various reasons. Quite honestly, I had an image of a woman walking away. Her walking away, in a sense, pervades the whole book because she's often somewhat difficult to understand by the people around her. She's difficult to understand even to herself. That idea that you don't always read someone because they have their back turned toward you, whether it's actual or figurative, is another missing element that compelled me. I wanted to discover who she was and why she would do some of the things she does in this book. I don't know if I succeeded, but I tried. That's the role of the novelist, is not to have answers, but to pose questions and to do his or her best to try to find stories that will answer them.