Zibby moderated a conversation with Sara Shepard about her latest novel, Safe in My Arms, as part of the virtual Penguin Bookshop Writers Series in Pittsburgh. The two bonded over their habit of expecting the worst-case scenario in every situation, and Sara shared what projects she's working on next. The two also talked about Sara's essay in Zibby's first anthology as well as why it might be a bad idea for Sara to think about thrillers while jogging around her neighborhood. And, check out Zibby's @gmabookclub IG Live with Sara here!
Sara: Just keep at it. Try to crash a Christmas party if you can. [laughter] Try to get in there how you can. I just think persistence. I have been rejected many times. Even as an author of many books, I will pitch ideas to editors and they will reject. You have to kind of get used to rejection because it's going to follow you through your life. Also, read as much as you can. Write as much as you can. Don't be afraid to show your work to people. For so many years, I was afraid to show anybody what I would write. A critique is a good thing. It helps you learn. Just keep at it. A lot of people ask, you're sitting down, and do you ever get writer's block? What is that like? To keep from writer's block, you just have to keep going. You have to keep writing. Even if it's bad, just get something out. Just type something. You can always fix it later. I have many, many days where what I write, I feel like, is terrible. Then I come back the next day and it's like, oh, well I did at least write five pages. That's something. I think a lot of people just sit down at the computer and think, my first sentence needs to be perfect. My next sentence needs to be perfect. They don't. They can be terrible. You just have to get something there. That's kind of how you build a book. It's not always fun. You just have to keep doing it.