Samantha: If you remember a dream and you look at it, you see it's just all of your desires and fears all dressed up in different costumes. It's just the same as writing. I find that really fascinating. I think that maybe one reason that writing has been such a salvation to me through insomnia is because when you're not sleeping, you're not dreaming, so all of the working out that you do through dreams isn't happening. I think I did that working out through writing. It was sort of a surrogate way of dreaming. I hadn’t really realized at the time. It only occurred to me a few months ago. I thought, I can see why that was such a necessary thing for me to do because I didn't have any other way of processing my subconscious. It was an incredibly powerful realization. This book, if nothing else, has absolutely restored my faith in writing, which was flagging a little bit. There must have been thoughts of, what's the point of writing novels? The world is going to hell. What's the point? I now think that sort of answered that question for me.