Tara: By the time I was twenty-five, I was this mess, wreck, disaster of a person suffering from chronic anxiety and depression which felt really physical. This would've, I think, kept going on had I not hit rock bottom at twenty-five when I drunk-dialed my therapist on my twenty-fifth birthday threatening to hurt myself. That next morning I played back the voicemails that she had left me. When I heard the worry in her voice, the concern for my safety, I got really worried. I realized this is not a sustainable life. I'm not going to make it if I don't make some radical changes, but how do I move forward? I don't have any mentors to go to. I don't have parents I can ask. I don't even know how to change a vacuum cleaner filter, so how exactly am I supposed to change my life? I also kind of felt like I shouldn't feel this bad, that in a lot of ways I was privileged. I had gone to really good schools. My parents had gone into credit card debt to keep me in private schools. I had student loans, so I went to a really good college. I was always really good at work. That was where I shined, but I was just so bad at life. That next morning I decided it really didn't matter if I should or shouldn't feel this way. The only thing that was real was that I hated my life and wanted a new one. I wondered, what would happen if I reparented myself? What would happen if I became my own parents and I gave myself the nurturing I never had? What would that look like?