Betsey Johnson, BETSEY: A MEMOIR

Betsey Johnson, BETSEY: A MEMOIR

Betsey: That's why I thought my entire story might be interesting, not just the fashion piece. That's just one little piece. I consider the family piece, the single mothering piece, the getting through the illnesses piece -- that was harder than the fashion business piece. Fashion and cutting and sewing and the clothing thing was always a fun category I loved because of my dancing school and my dancing costumes. All of a sudden, my dear friend Mark, the writer who put all my talking together, he just kept bugging me how I have to do a book. I have to do a book. I said, "No, I can't write, Mark. I can't do a book." He really made me do it a couple years ago. I'm real happy with the way it looks. I was allowed to put some drawings in there and some little doodles. A book with just words is really terrifying to me. I'm not a reader of "book" books. I think I want to start now, if someone would recommend a really great book. Anyway, I'm just so relieved that it's out and people seem to like it. It's a light read and a quick read and at the end of the day, I hope, an inspiring read.