Brandy: That was therapy. You know as a writer too, that first draft was my cathartic therapy. It was just the vomit of everything I'd wanted to say. Then I went through and did the clean-up many times of, what now will help other people and what is my own neurosis? Some of my own neurosis still shows up in the book, which I think is relatable. My idea at the beginning was, I just want to write this to get this message out to other people whom it will help. To have that, now it's so satisfying to have people who've read it contact me. I get them almost every day. "Oh, my gosh, I'm in the middle of your book. I've thought all of these things. I've never said them. I thought I was alone." I had somebody contact me the other day, "My husband's reading your book because he wants to know how he can help more."