Allison: I wanted it to sort of be outlandish. The notion of somebody actually acquiring regrets. Maybe some of us have bigger regrets. The notion of really tracking that spoke to the underlying, not psychosis, but who really does that? She's very rigid. She's a perfectionist, but she's made of all of these both big and small mistakes along the way. I thought that made her more intriguing as opposed to -- it's funny. My birthday was the other day and we were out. We actually went out to dinner. My son was like, "What are your biggest regrets and accomplishments?" I could name three big regrets. I'm not somebody who looks back, but I was like, "I really wish that I had gone abroad in college instead of staying back for my stupid college boyfriend." [laughter] That's my regret. The notion of having 233, I felt like that made it more interesting.