Capricia Penavic Marshall, PROTOCOL

Capricia Penavic Marshall, PROTOCOL

Capricia: It was actually a lesson that I learned from both presidents, Clinton and Obama. They are the two most empathetic people that I've ever met in my entire life. They understood that the importance of leadership was not derived from being strong and decisive. Yes, they are that because they are the president of the United States and leader of the free world. It's from putting themselves into the position of the person they're speaking with, the person that they're helping, the group that is lost, and by drawing upon empathy. In particular today where people are feeling confused, uncertain, we have this whole new dialogue, these discussions, sometimes hard discussions, on race, how can we learn more about one another? What did I think I knew but perhaps I didn't quite know? By engaging in this discussion and learning more about you, boy, I'm going to become a better person. I certainly am going to know more about the topic. Figuring out ways to create those bridges of understanding, it's really important. The two of them, that was one lesson that they really taught me in abundance.