Sophie: I'd spent my whole life just being really sure that I didn't want to have children. Then something happened when I got to my late twenties. I'm still not sure whether it was social stuff, seeing everyone around me having babies, or whether the time was right, but suddenly I just got really broody, like so broody. [laughs] I thought it would be interesting to explore that in fiction. It was really disconcerting to have this really strong idea that I knew how my life was going to be. It was going to be childless. I was really happy with that. Then suddenly to be seeing a pregnant lady or a friend's new baby and just suddenly wanting to cry and thinking, I want that, I want that so much. I thought that would be kind of a cool way to explore it. It actually started out as a horror novel. I was looking into pregnancy and learning more about the physical side and seeing friends having babies and hearing the horror stories of labor and thinking it's such a ripe area for exploration. How could I do a different take on it as someone who has not yet had a baby but really wants one?