Deborah Copaken & Daniel Jones, MODERN LOVE

Deborah Copaken & Daniel Jones, MODERN LOVE

Deborah: I said to you at the time, “You just emailed her? If you really love her, you've got to go after her.” I told him the story of this guy that I was dating back in 1989 who I met in Jamaica. Then we spent a beautiful week in London together. He was supposed to show up in Paris and never showed up. I thought he'd stood me up. I found out twenty years later, because that was back in the day before email and Facebook and being able to keep track of people, that he had showed up in Paris but had lost the piece of paper with my phone number on it and ended up staying at a youth hostel all weekend. It’s so sad. When this young man and I met up twenty years later, both married with three kids, love doesn't go away. It just is there. I told him the story. If you love her, don't end up like me twenty years later regretting not going after this person. I thought I was stood up. Put your body where your beliefs are.