Carlos Whittaker, ENTER WILD

Carlos Whittaker, ENTER WILD

Carlos: All this to say, long story short, fourteen days after I sent this email and I'm freaking out, nobody's booking me to be a speaker. Nobody wants me to write a book. I'm sending book proposals. They're getting shut down left and right. I get one email in my booking email. It was from the White House. I thought it was spam, and so I hit delete. Then my publicist called me twenty minutes after I deleted the email. She's like, "They know you deleted the email." I was like, "Who are you talking about?" She said, "The White House. Go look at your email." I opened my deleted folder. It said, "The White House would like to invite you to be the keynote speaker at President Obama's Easter Prayer Breakfast next Tuesday." My very first speaking gig ever was at the White House for the president of the United States. I've never been more nervous in my entire life to give a ten-minute talk. It's been downhill since then. I just don't get nervous anymore. That was the beginning of my speaking career. That was 2015. I love it. I love to be a hope dealer. I do a lot of corporate events. I do a lot of motivational events. I do a lot of church events. I feel like people, especially right now in this season, are just desperate for hope. I do that through my Instagram. I do that through my books. I do that through when I'm speaking on stages. Whatever it may be, I'm just trying to constantly be hope for people.