Megan: I came up with the idea for this sort of in pieces. I had been working in celebrity journalism and entertainment journalism for a really long time. I don't even think I realized how much color was accumulating in my head about how strange it is behind the scenes of a photoshoot or on the other side of the rope at the red carpet. What really launched me into the story was thinking about the future. I was writing in my journal one day. I write in cursive. I realized my kids would not be able to read it, definitely not my grandkids. I just sat with it because I thought, I'd love to write something that goes into the future, but I'm not a sci-fi person. I'm not a dystopia person. I'd love to do something that feels more grounded and stuff like that where your grandmother would be saying to you, "This is how it was in my day," and it would just be this strange thing that didn't exist in yours. Slowly over time, all of those pieces came together. Add in what was going on in the world when I started writing in late 2016, and you have Followers.