Dr. Reshma Shah, NOURISH

Zibby Owens: Welcome, Reshma. Thank you so much for coming on "Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books."


Reshma Shah: Thank you so much for having me.


Zibby: Nourish, your book, The Definitive Plant-Based Nutrition Guide for Families, you open this book and say, why should there be another book? Don't we know everything about nutrition? What is your big answer to this question? Why take all the time for this plant-based nutritional handbook of sorts? Tell me about it.


Reshma: I think that we're at a really interesting time right now. People are really becoming open and so much more aware of issues that face us as a community in terms of everything that's been happening with COVID and with all the social justice movements. I think that people are really willing to look at the impact of their food choices. The reason that we wrote this book is because -- it's not a call for everyone to be vegan or for everyone to be perfect or for everyone to eat a perfectly clean diet, whatever that means. It's just really an invitation to look at our food choices and what the consequences of those might be. The reason that we focus on a plant-centered or plant-based approach to feeding our families is because research overwhelmingly supports a plant-centered diet as a foundation for promoting health. The first section of the book is all about the big why.


When you look at the added benefits of the impact that our food choices have on our environment and climate change and what we do with factory farming, in our opinion -- I cowrote the book with Brenda Davis who's a phenomenal plant-based dietician. In our opinion, a plant-based approach to feeding our families checks off all the boxes. It supports our health and the health of our family and our communities. It supports the health of our planet. We think of it of as a radical act of compassion when you think about the suffering that we inflict upon factory-farmed animals. Whatever we can do to address those issues is a win. Yes, there have been a lot of books on nutrition. Our perspective is really focused on families. It's focused on all these larger issues, but it's very much intimately connected to our dinner tables because it has to be practical, reasonable, and doable. I've got two kids. I know what it's like to have a busy household. It can't be just an academic discussion.


Zibby: How old are your kids?


Reshma: I've got a fifteen-year-old and an eighteen-year-old. Actually, soon to be sixteen. It's hard to believe how they grow.


Zibby: Oh, my gosh. How did you convince them to adopt this? Have they adopted this? Has it been from day one? How did you do it?


Reshma: It's kind of been a full-circle experience for me. I'm Indian. I grew up in a vegetarian household. I grew up eating lots of lentils and beans and all these things, but I was a typical American kid. I definitely ate my share of hot dogs and hamburgers and all those things. All through medical school and residency training, I actually didn't really connect health and nutrition very much because, I'm sure many people can relate to this, doctors don't get a lot of training when it comes to nutrition. When I had kids of my own, that's when I really became interested nutrition and the role it played in our health because all of a sudden, I was responsible for these two young beings. I wanted to make well-informed food choices. The more I started learning about what sort of dietary approaches support health, I kept coming back to this plant-centered, plant-focused idea. One of the reasons I felt like I was very qualified to write this book is because I've made all the mistakes. I was a short-order cook. I did all the things at the dinner table that we ask parents not to do.


My family, in the beginning, I was super aggressive. It didn't really work very well. When you try and force things on people that you love and care about, they don't really enjoy that so much. My family was keen on letting me know. There was a period where I was super forceful. When I realized that it wasn't working, I kind of backed off. The single best thing I did to get my family on board was to -- I just kept cooking really good food. I didn't really focus on talking to them about, this is good for you. You should eat it. This is good for our environment. I just, over and over again, kept cooking good meals. Gradually, they sort of came on board. My daughter who's eighteen, she was vegetarian before any of us were. She was fully on board very quickly. My son and my husband came along much more slowly. Now I would say our household is ninety-five percent plant-based vegan. In the house, that's how I cook. Then we're out and if they want a pizza or an ice cream or something, I don't sweat too much about it.


Zibby: Wow. You're obviously a really good cook. The recipes that are in the back, are these your own? Where did these come from? Which one would you recommend? If I'm going to try to convince my kids to give away their chicken nuggets, I'm feeling like, I don't know, are they going to go for lemony chickpea pasta with mushrooms and broccoli? I don't know if my kids are going to do that. Molasses tahini energy balls, I would. I would do it.


Reshma: One of the things I always say is that this is a guidebook. We're providing you with the resources, but you are the expert of your family and your children. You're going to know what they like best. The recipes are mine and my coauthors. We have slightly different approaches. She's a grandmother. Her kids are out of the house. The way she cooks is going to be slightly different than what I cook because I've got two teenagers who are athletes. Our approach is going to be slightly different. Know your kids. One of the things I recommend is, start with the things that you think are going to be easy and approachable for your kids. Don't start with the hardest things first. If you've got kids that are really into chicken nuggets and that's a thing, you could try a tofu nugget. If you've got kids that are skeptical of tofu and it seems sort of strange, you might start with some of the veggie meats that might be a little bit more approachable. I also think that kids require repeated exposure. Even if they don't like it today doesn't mean they won't like it tomorrow. The more that we can use an approach, inviting them, including them, instead of sort of forcing it upon them, I think the easier it goes. For kids that are really, really picky, it might just be, instead of trying to take things away, that you're just adding things in. Serve whatever you normally serve, and then maybe you'll have a huge kale salad or maybe the lemony chickpea pasta as a side just so that they don't feel like you're forcing this on them.


Zibby: I know. I feel like we do that, and then -- my husband is actually the cook in our family. I can cook, but I have to follow recipes. Then if I deviate, something goes wrong. He'll just throw things together, and it tastes great. I feel like sometimes he'll spend all this time making it, and then none of the kids touch it. He's like, why bother? Why is he going to make the same thing again the next night? I'm like, fine, just give them whatever. [laughs] It's so easy to be discouraged as the person cooking.


Reshma: Yeah, because you spend a lot of time. You spend a lot of energy. You don't want the food to go to waste. One of the things that I did early on that helped us at the dinner table tremendously is -- my shopping day is usually Sunday. That's when I go to the market. That's when I do most of my menu planning. Before I would do all that work, I would ask them, what are your wishes for the week? I would get them involved in the menu planning. If they said, I don't really care, I don't have any wishes, the rule in our house is that I will try to honor your wishes, but once we're at the dinner table, you're not allowed to complain about the food.


Zibby: That's good. [laughs]


Reshma: I spend a lot of time making it. The other is, always try to have something at the table that you know your child is going to like. If you're trying a new vegetable, maybe pair it with their favorite pasta so that there's always something that they're going to enjoy at the table. That's not the time that you want to be arguing, bickering. The average American family spends seventeen minutes at the dinner table. Make those seventeen minutes count. That's a time for connection, enjoying one another's company. It's not the time to be battling about food.


Zibby: I feel like seventeen might be generous. I don't know if we make it seventeen minutes.


Reshma: That’s the average time. Some families are going to be a little shorter. That's the average time.


Zibby: Take me back a little to you and your career up until this point and your becoming a doctor and where you chose to specialize. I heard how this became another interest, but where did you start out?


Reshma: It's kind of a windy path for me a little bit. I, early on, knew I wanted to go to medical school. I can't tell how much of that is -- I definitely wanted to be in a helping profession. Growing up in an Indian community, becoming a doctor was definitely the path to success. I think that was kind of engrained in me. After medical school, I actually started out in obstetrics and gynecology. I did a year training in that and decided very quickly it didn't feel like the right fit. For me, when I don't know what to do in life, I always go back to school. I went back to school and got my master's in public health and then made a shift in pediatrics. It definitely felt like a much better fit for me. For quite a lot time, I'd say for the first fifteen years, I did general pediatrics. I worked in the emergency room. I had my own patients. I've worked with residents and students at Case Western and Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital in Cleveland. Then we moved to California about seven years ago. I decided I wanted to make a little bit of shift. I had done primary care for a long time. I've been working in the urgent care. It's a large medical facility that Stanford residents and medical students rotate through. I have been doing some teaching. Really, for the last six months or so with COVID, life has been so different. I've been focusing on finishing up the manuscript and getting the book out. For me, I really enjoyed teaching and working with the residents and students, but writing has become a passion I didn't even know I had.


Zibby: Wow. How did you learn how to write?


Reshma: I don't really know how I learned how to write. I never thought of myself as a writer. I think at the core of writing is really teaching. Teaching is something that I've always done in some capacity, whether it's working with medical students or residents. I've had the fortunate of doing some talks at Stanford. I think at the core of writing is really teaching. There's something that you feel you want to convey to people that can help them in their daily lives. That's been a long passion of mine. It just overflowed in writing. I was really lucky to have a writing partner. I cowrote this book. There was a lot of collaboration and sharing of drafts and back-and-forth and things like that.


Zibby: Amazing. How did you do that? I always wonder how collaborators collaborate. What system did you use? How did you assign the workload and everything?


Reshma: It's a really interesting story. My coauthor, Brenda Davis, this is actually her twelfth book. She's written many, many books before. When we decided to write this book together, I really drafted out the outline of it. We had certain sections that we were each going to work on. The first section is mine. The second section is her. The third is mine. Then the fourth was a combination. The way that we did it is, we would write a chapter at a time. I would send it to her. She would give me her feedback. It just kept going back and forth like that until we had it the way we wanted. It was really wonderful because I think we each have our own strengths and set of experiences. It was a really beautiful marriage of both our backgrounds, our experiences. We also had a very similar work ethic. I think a writing partner is kind of like a marriage. You don't exactly know what the relationship's going to be like. It ends up being a beautiful collaboration. She has become a true friend through the whole process.


Zibby: That's great. Put your pediatrician hat back on, if you will. Pretend you're talking to kids, my kids, my friends' kids, about the advantages of a plant-based diet for their health, not the environment and not about the animals, which both I think are easy for me explain and which they would get pretty simply, but in terms of what it actually does for you. Why should they give up these other things that they’ve come to like? What are the benefits?


Reshma: When we have these conversations with our children, I think it’s really important to be careful and tender because you don't want to be alarming. Especially in pediatrics, this whole conversation around pediatric obesity has become -- I feel like it's present in every exam room and every conversation. At the end of the day, I always try to focus on health and healthy habits instead of things like weight because that can be a really tricky conversation. One of the things I would say is, for kids, when you look at the longest-lived populations in the world, there are these areas called the blue zones. The blue zones are these geographical pockets throughout the world where they have the highest concentration of centenarians, so people that are living to age a hundred and beyond in fairly good health. They're still working in their garden. They're still part of their communities. All of these communities follow plant-centered diets as the foundation for their diet.


Following a plant-based diet can help you to reduce your risk of developing a lot of chronic diseases like heart disease, type two diabetes, certain cancers, even neurocognitive diseases like Alzheimer's and things like that. I think with those kids, though, those long-term effects can feel so far away. Kids who eat plant-based diets tend to have higher overall nutritional quality. They tend to consumer definitely way more fiber because plant foods are full of fiber. Animal foods contain no fiber. Also, a lot of protective phytonutrients. It gives them all the energy, the nutrients. Appropriately planned plant-based diets are safe for children during all stages of the life cycle. In terms of the specific benefits, there have been fewer studies done on children than there have adults. For instance, some of the health outcomes that we measure in adults in terms of hypertension and diabetes, we just don't see those as often in kids.


One of the culprits in kids' health that we've seen a lot is dairy. Dairy has been linked to increased incidents of colic in babies, constipation in children for sure, acne, and a whole host of other conditions of eczema and asthma and other atopic illnesses as well. Dairy is definitely something to consider. The way I approach it with children is I never say you have to eliminate these things. Let's say, for instance, your child has a lot of acne or has been really suffering with eczema or asthma. One approach could be, let's see how things go if we just eliminate it for two weeks. We don't have to do it forever. Let's just try for two weeks. Sometimes if they see enough of an improvement in their constipation or their asthma or their allergies, they will likely say, oh, yeah, there's so many alternatives, I will gladly forgo the dairy. I don't know if that answers what you were looking for with kids.


Zibby: It totally answered it. Yes, that's great. I feel like when I was little, I didn't quite realize that by shifting all the different levers of what pieces of nutrition I could adjust some of the things with my own body and my own health. I feel like now the focus is so much more in the weeds, not really weeds obviously. I could eat more avocado. I could eat more omega-3s in salmon. That will help my brain. This might help my hair. I just feel like it's important to convey all that. There are these little magic ingredients in every food. Maybe somehow making it seem like a treasure hunt for what your body needs or something like that.


Reshma: I think kids are definitely fascinated by that. If you have a child that's really inquisitive and really curious, I think those conversations can be a lot of fun. You just have to be careful because for some kids, it can cause more anxiety around food. Our whole goal as parents is to make it a joyful, inviting experience. Sometimes overcomplicating the message for children can create anxiety. You just have to know your kid. If your kid is really interested in these conversations, then go deep, as deeply as they want to go. The main focus should be on including a variety of foods. Eat the rainbow in terms of fruits and vegetables. Make sure that the food is really satisfying and tasty. Anyone can do something for a week. If you're in it for the long haul, it has to be enjoyable for kids and families and for adults too.


Zibby: Totally. Yes. Now that you've tapped into your love of writing as a form of teaching, what are you going to write about next?


Reshma: I have no idea. As a first-time writer -- I'm sure you've experienced this with other conversations you've had. You begin to wonder, this might be the only thing I actually have to say. I haven't really let this book fully percolate. We'll see. I would love to do more writing, whether it's as a book or even in other formats. I think it's a really wonderful way to be able to teach. I think it's a really powerful teaching method. This book has been -- it was two years in the making in terms of all the research. It's very evidenced based. We have tons of references at the end. I don't exactly know what I would want to write next, but I would love to continue to write.


Zibby: Maybe you should do a children's book version of it.


Reshma: That's actually a wonderful idea.


Zibby: Even all the colors on your cover, I'm looking, if you had it illustrated and you still called it Nourish. Maybe you have to find this leaf on every page. Make it like a little game. I don't know.


Reshma: That's actually a fantastic idea. I'd never even thought about it.


Zibby: There you go. Get right on that. [laughs] Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?


Reshma: I would say, for me, having a vision of what I wanted this book to be really helped. Our publisher was very open to a lot of our ideas. For instance, the cover of the book that they proposed, it just didn't fit my vision. I was fairly aggressive in saying, "I don't think this will work." I had to think outside the box. I found my own photographer. I said, "This is what I imagine. Do you think you can do this?" Once I presented the full photograph and everything to the publisher, they're like, "Oh, yes, this is beautiful. This works." I think having a vision of what you want the book to be and just being persistent but also collaborative.


Zibby: Totally. Great strategies. Awesome. I love whatever you did. I know I'm being ridiculous, but you should sell prints of just the photo. You could personalize. It's just such a great picture.


Reshma: I can share with you what the original cover was. You'll see why. I'll send you a copy of the original cover. Again, it goes back to having a vision of what you wanted the book to be. For me, more than anything, I wanted this book to be an invitation for families, not a, this is how you must do it. It's not meant to be prescriptive. It's really meant to be an invitation. I wanted the cover to reflect that.


Zibby: Love it. It is very inviting. Congratulations. Congrats on this book. Thanks for trying to help so many people live healthier, better lives, and the planet as a whole. It's a big mission that you've taken on. It's great. Thank you.


Reshma: Thank you. Thank you for the idea for the children's book. Now my brain is buzzing with all kinds of thoughts. It was such a pleasure chatting with you. Maybe I'll be back on once the children's book is done. [laughs]


Zibby: I would love it. Take care. Have a great day.


Reshma: Buh-bye. You too.


Zibby: Buh-bye.

Dr. Reshma Shah.jpg


Zibby Owens: I interviewed Erin Gardner twice during quarantine. Once was on my Instagram Live show. Another time was for this podcast which you're going to listen to now. Erin's book, Procrastibaking: 100 Recipes for Getting Nothing Done in the Most Delicious Way Possible, is just fantastic. I thought it was a perfect quarantine read. I even included it in my Next Chapter Please bundle on Page 1 Books, which I think they might even still be selling. Go check out page1books.com. Erin is fantastic and personable and has been on cooking shows and was one of the leading cake bakers in the world when she owned Wild Orchid Baking Company. She wrote for The Cake Blog and wrote Erin Bakes Cakes in 2017. She is the consummate baker. Yet this book, as you'll hear, is when she learned to bake all these other things while procrastinating from making the cakes that she had been contracted to make. Even the most accomplished baker feels badly about how they're delaying the chores they need to do. I hope you enjoy our conversation and that you pick up her cookbook and make some of these delicious desserts.


Welcome, Erin. Thanks so much for coming on "Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books."


Erin Gardner: Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to be here.


Zibby: As I was saying to you, I loved doing an Instagram Live with you in the midst of the quarantine, but had so many more questions and just didn't want to stop talking, so I thought we could do a whole podcast.


Erin: That's great. I really appreciated you having me on your IG Live. This is super fun too. It's so nice to have adult contact in any, way, shape, or form. This is great. [laughs]


Zibby: Before I did this, my two little kids and I were literally in the street waiting for the UPS person, not that we were expecting anything. After an hour, he came. That was the highlight of the day. Good times over here. [laughs]


Erin: Life is a lot simpler now.


Zibby: Your latest cookbook, Procrastibaking, you're the master baker. You've helped coin this term, procrastibaking. Now you have a whole cookbook about it. First, backtrack a little and talk about how you got started in the professional baking world to get to this point.


Erin: Wow, okay.


Zibby: Go back. Let's go way back.


Erin: I actually -- how far back? [laughs]


Zibby: You always loved baking as a kid?


Erin: I always loved baking as a kid, but I never, never saw it as a profession. Actually, my first major in college was aviation. That's how I met my husband. My husband's a pilot.


Zibby: Wow, no way.


Erin: I learned through doing that for about a year or so that I am not a pilot. That's a good thing to learn about yourself if you think you're a pilot. [laughter] I enjoyed it, but like my husband says, it's eight hours of boredom bookended by thirty seconds of terror.


Zibby: It's like parenting.


Erin: It really is. A lot of it is just sitting there.


Zibby: Aviation, so interesting. So you ruled that out.


Erin: Ruled that out. I wrapped up my degree in business management/marketing. I worked in advertising for a very brief period of time. I was selling ads to a restaurant. They were looking for a nighttime dessert plater. I said, I think I could do that. That seems awesome. I didn't even realize that these were jobs that I could do. It really piqued my interest. To the chagrin of all adults around me at the time, I quit my office job and I took a job plating desserts at night. Then the rest was history. I worked my way up through -- that was in Hartford, Connecticut. Moved to Boston. Worked through a bunch of restaurants in Boston and then into New Hampshire. Then I opened my bakery. I had a wedding cake shop for about seven years and made wedding cakes all over New England. That was the big moment in my career. Then while I was doing that, I was approached to start doing other things like teaching classes on a couple online platforms and doing some writing and creating tutorials. That sort of opened up the next phase of what I do now.


Zibby: Amazing. What was it like being at the top of your field and making wedding cakes and being a part of the most special night for so many people in their lives?


Erin: I loved it. I really did truly love it. I loved working with the couples. I loved learning about them and their story and seeing all the different styles, the things that really meant something to people, but it was terrifying. Like we said, the terrifying side of aviation, there's a terrifying side to cake decorating. That is that every wedding is the big night. It's never not the most important day of someone's life. There's no do-over. That side of it could be fun also because there was an excitement to it. Bringing a cake to a venue, of course you get to know all the other vendors like the florists and the wedding planners and the banquet hall staffs and things like that. Getting in at the time everyone's setting up and it's kind of this team and you're all dispersed and move to the next one, that part, it was exciting. Then also, I should name an ulcer [indiscernible/laughter]. I'm sure that they're in there.


Zibby: So then what made you close the bakery and move on to other things?


Erin: I had my first child, Max. He's my oldest, my son. He's nine now. He spent the first year of his life in a pack 'n play at the end of my worktable in the bakery. Then once he got mobile, we had to move on to daycare. Then when my second was born, and she's going to be five at the end of this month, I decided that it was time to put all of my efforts into those other things that had started popping up like writing opportunities and teaching opportunities and things along those lines so that I could really be there for my kids. With a husband who's a pilot, I go through stretches of time where I'm the only parent. Having the ultimate deadline of a wedding isn't always the best thing to have when you have two very small children. Max came on lots of wedding cake deliveries with me. He was strapped to me. I'd bring the cake in. I'm glad that I had enough energy to get through that point of my life. Once number two came along, I was like, I think it's time to move on to the next phase. I miss things about it, but I love the things I get to do now like sharing with people and being able to look back on my experiences and help people with technique and recipe and the things that they can do at home to enhance their own celebrations.


Zibby: We were looking at some of your recipes online, or I was with the kids before we talked. Your funfetti recipe is on our to-do list now tomorrow.


Erin: That's a great one. One bowl. You don't need a mixer, super easy.


Zibby: Thank you. That's the perfect -- [laughs].


Erin: They're the words you need to hear.


Zibby: Yes, exactly. One bowl, not too messy, very simple, full of sugar, check.


Erin: You throw a handful of sprinkles in there, and boom, everyone's happy.


Zibby: It's so easy. As long as you don't mind throwing sprinkles at your kids all day, they would just be thrilled.


Erin: Actually, funny story. My youngest one day -- I work from home now, so I have a lot of supplies in my kitchen. My oldest, he could care less about sweets. He'll walk past them. My youngest is a cookie monster, like a hardcore sugar addict. One morning, we woke up and Max was in my room. We're hanging out. I was like, "Where's your sister? I haven't heard from her. It's way too quiet." She was downstairs and had poured herself a bowl of sprinkles and was sitting at the kitchen table just spooning them into her mouth. [laughs]


Zibby: Oh, my gosh, that's awesome. That's a dream breakfast. Did you take a picture, I hope?


Erin: I did take a picture. I think she was two and a half, three at the time. I was like, "What are you doing?" She was just like, "Ha, ha, ha."


Zibby: That's perfect.


Erin: She thought she had figured out the perfect thing.


Zibby: Tell me about how you ended up doing your first cookbook and how that led now to Procrastibaking, your next cookbook.


Erin: I had written -- I'm on number three now.


Zibby: I'm sorry.


Erin: Oh, no, because the first one was more like an author-for-hire kind of situation where I was writing to fulfill a need for a publisher. Then Erin Bakes Cake came from my experiences and heart and soul kind of deal and had the opportunity to that put that together. That book embodied where I've taken cake decorating from the high-end wedding cake world to home. I was using a lot of those classic techniques and ideas and recipes and flavors and then translating them to, still kind of over-the-top stuff, but stuff that you could accomplish at home and that you don't need special tools for. That's something I've prided myself on with the kinds of tutorials and recipes that I write for people now and the different publications and what not. I will never do anything that requires you to purchase anything that isn't already in your kitchen. I use toothpicks, foils, spoons, stuff like that. I have moved away from the traditional wedding cake elements like fondant and gum paste and that kind of stuff. I will only use now, like, chocolate cookies and candy to create decorative elements. That book was in the spirit of that.


Then this book, Procrastibaking, actually was born from that book. I had no idea that that was happening at the time. One of the things that I do, and now everyone knows, is when I have these big projects that I'm working on, I will bake something else, something not on the script to kind of warm up. If I'm not feeling whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing, I'll just make something fun. I did that one of the days that I was supposed to be writing for Erin Bakes Cake. I posted a picture of it on Instagram, #procrastibaking, the baking I'm doing when I'm supposed to be doing other baking. It wasn't even that big of a post. A couple of my baker friends were like, ha, ha, ha, I do this too. Literally, just life moved on. That was a very basic post. Then about a year and a half after that, around that, I get a message on Instagram, a DM from Julia Moskin from The New York Times saying that she's writing an article on procrastibaking, and would I want to be interviewed. Of course. [laughs] Spoke with her. I said some silly things because it's a silly topic. I ended up being in the article.


Then my literary agent, my wonderful, wonderful, literary agent, Alison Fargis, she called me. She was like, "Erin, this is a book." I said, "Yeah, it probably is. This could be really good." Then it was just really fortuitous. The publisher that I ended up with, Atria, the publisher who was on staff then was a procrastibaker himself. He felt a strong connection to the book. My editor Sarah was just so enthusiastic about the project. Books are hard because there's so much work that goes into them, but it was such an enjoyable process. It was so, I don't want to say easy because it's not easy, but it came so naturally because it was literally just, okay, wow, I have to just open up the floodgates. This is what I do when no one's looking. When my husband read the first draft of it, he was like, "Wow, this is the most you-thing that you've ever done." I was like, "Yeah, this is what this is."


Zibby: But that's so great. That's what all the advice is. Write what you know. Write what no one else can write. This is your thing that you do behind closed doors. It benefits everybody for you to tell us about it.


Erin: Writing in your voice, it's challenging. My career was never to be a writer. That's just kind of happened in a way. That part has been interesting for me, just practicing writing and practicing really saying what I want to say and not saying it in a way that you think people want to hear it kind of thing. It's been a learning process, but one that I'm grateful for. It's been really great.


Zibby: What are your biggest go-to procrastibaking recipes? If you have a huge deadline, what will we find you mostly likely in the kitchen baking furtively and feeling guilty about? [laughs]


Erin: Cookies. Because cake is my life, I turn cookies when I'm looking to get away. Cookies, scones, biscuits, things like that, they're easy. They're easily sharable. My butter crunch cookies are hands-down my favorite cookies in the whole world. They're just so yummy. That's why also in the book there's a hundred recipes and the chapters are primarily broken up into about ten recipes each except for cookies which is like twenty percent of the book. I think it's a common thread through all kinds of people who procrastibake that cookies are a go-to. No one will turn down a cookie. In the before time and going forward, at some point I'm sure, they're sharable. You can bring them into the office. You can bring them into school. It's just a real easy bake to blow off some steam.


Zibby: Do you have any secrets to making the best chocolate chip cookies? That's my favorite food I think in the planet, is a chocolate chip cookie. What are your secrets?


Erin: Chocolate chip cookies are very personal. It's probably one of the most personal baked goods, I think. You can agree on, that's a good eclair or that's a nice something. Chocolate chip cookie, some people like thin and crispy. Some people like chewy. Some people like cakey. With any style of chocolate chip cookies, I always to under-bake a little bit, like a hair. Obviously, you don't want something that's gross or unsafe. If a recipe calls for twelve minutes of bake time, maybe I'll set it for ten and then look at it and make the call. I think with chocolate chip cookies it's okay if they're a little glossy in the center, just a hair. Then you pull it out and you let them kind of finish baking on the baking sheet. Let that residual heat get everything to set. Then if you like a softer cookie, a little bit of cream cheese is actually a great -- the soft-batch style ones in the book, the cream cheese just makes it smoother and creamier. It kind of inhibits a little bit of the gluten production. It keeps the structure soft inside the cookie. That would be another good trick. Oh, and to use good chocolate, but good chocolate is just whatever chocolate you like. If you like dark chocolate, go for that. If you like milk chocolate, go for that. Don't feel chocolate pressure. Just use what you enjoy the most.


Zibby: I've recently discovered the larger size dark chocolate Toll House chips. That's not good. I've started hiding them in my office because I don't want the kids to eat them. [laughs] They're so good. So what's coming next for you? Are you going to do another cookbook? I know this is just coming out. What do you see happening in the next year or two?


Erin: I wish I knew. I think everyone wished they knew now, right?


Zibby: Assuming life was normal. Let's pretend.


Erin: If I had a crystal ball, that would be great. In the future going forward, I look forward to being able to do more in-person classes, things that I had scheduled that are going to be put off into the future now. I really, really love teaching people in person. It's so much fun for me to just have that energy. I teach a lot up at Stonewall Kitchen Cooking School here in York, Maine, right over the border. There's some other in-person teaching opportunities. Then I'll just keep sharing on my blog and on my social media channels. Now that I'm getting through this whole book process, I'm actually kind of looking forward to just posting some stuff for fun that has no one else looking over my shoulder with a theme or a deadline kind of thing. I've got some fun projects that I have in mind for Mother's Day and spring-y and summer kind of things coming up.


Zibby: That's awesome. Do you have any advice for aspiring authors, somebody out there who might want to do a cookbook or has some great idea? What do you think?


Erin: I think my best advice would be to write. For me personally, the more I write, the better I feel I am at it. Write anything. Write emails to people. Write what you did that day. It doesn't have to be a project. It's just getting your words onto paper. I always find that the more that I do that, the better. Sometimes if I have nothing to do, I will go on and just review things on Amazon. I'm like, what can I say about this that's funny? What can I say about this that's creative? It's a completely no-pressure outlet. No one's going to judge what you've written on your Swiffer review. [laughs] It's just a low-key way to do that. Then if someone's really serious about it, I would say to find a literary agent, to find an agent who works with authors in the field that you're in and that manages or works with people who have books that look like the kind of book that you want to write so that you know you're in the right company. I think that's such an important key. I know it's been a huge key to the wonderful things I've been able to work on.


Zibby: Awesome. Thank you, Erin. This has been so fun. Thanks for distracting your kids and not minding my kids walking in here. Thanks for taking the time today. Your book is obviously, not just for the fact that everybody is at home and happens to be baking at the moment, but in general is a great concept. It's just so awesome. Thanks for coming on.


Erin: Thanks. I appreciate it. It's been a lot of fun being able to chat with you here. Thanks for having me.


Zibby: You too. Bye.


Erin: Bye.


Zibby: Thanks so much. Buh-bye.




Phyllis: I've been collecting hundreds of recipes for years that I've been developing. It broke my heart a little bit to narrow it down to seventeen. Now it feels like such a relief because each one can have a purpose, either for teaching someone something new, like making tart dough or a template for salad dressing. Start with what's in this book. Then just look around and see what you have. As long as the balance is about the same, you don't need lemon. You can use sherry wine vinegar. You don't need olive oil. You can use coconut oil. What I'm hoping is this gives people a little more confidence to play in the kitchen and not be so rigid and not be so locked into recipes because you don't learn until you step away from the recipes, at least I didn't.

Fanny Singer, ALWAYS HOME

Fanny Singer, ALWAYS HOME

Fanny: What I think is really wonderful about people adopting it now is the quality of the experience of those things, being more sensuously acquainted with your food and cooking more, which I think everyone's doing now and realizing how much pleasure there is there. It's getting back into the kitchen. Really using your senses too I think gives you this reprieve from, especially in this moment, all the anxiety and all the other preoccupations around work or homeschooling, I can imagine, and all those things. I'm happy that this book comes at -- a lot of people have been telling me that it feels like a very sense-activated kind of text. There's a lot of sensory material. It's easy to go into this other place, not just travel to some of the destinations that are spoken about in the book like the South of France where we used to go when I was a kid, but also just traveling through the sense descriptions around food or around smells and flowers or nature.



Alison: People usually say I either went to culinary school or I'm a nutritionist, and I'm neither a chef nor am I a nutritionist. I'm a really good home cook. I did get a degree in sustainability and food systems. Basically all that means, from production through postconsumer usage, what are the things that affect what we eat and how we eat and how it’s grown and everything? What I learned in that program over and over again was the importance of home cooking. People who cook from scratch tend to be more engaged with the environment, tend to care more about the way that farm labor is treated. They're definitely more careful about their personal health. They're impacting the larger system from a lot of different places positively.

Waylynn Lucas, SUNNY-SIDE UP

Waylynn Lucas, SUNNY-SIDE UP

Waylynn: Everybody should buy this cookbook. I really wanted to create a very family-friendly, everybody-friendly cookbook. I find a lot of chef cookbooks can be very intimidating. Because they're chefs, they do a lot of fancy things and use a lot of extravagant ingredients that aren't really applicable to just your regular home cook. I wanted to do the opposite of that. I wanted this to be fun and easy and approachable and use what I've learned as a chef to give little tips and tricks. I love breakfast. I love brunch. As a pastry chef, I love brunch and breakfast so much because it’s very sweet oriented. That was my inspiration to do something more than just a regular dessert book. I wanted to push myself and get into some more savory things, but more pastries and eggs and breakfast, brunch, and have my experiences as a pastry chef go that much further in the kitchen.



Catherine: I've always loved food. I grew up with grandparents who were into farming and really loving the taste of real food. Total transparency, I lived with a lot of girls who were going through a lot of different things. There were definitely more challenging times. For me, I always loved food. Even as I've gotten older, that love has deepened, especially having children and watching them get excited about food. Food is the one thing that we all have in common. For parents, you have to feed your children twenty-one meals a week plus snacks. It’s something that's never going to go away.



Elisa: My whole life was wrapped up in it. I felt extreme stress, constant stress. Every week, the cakes would go out. They required tons of work, tons of client interaction. To this day I still say to my husband, “I've been doing this for over twenty years, and something always goes wrong.”



Florence Fabricant is an important food and wine authority at the New York Times. Author of 12 cookbooks including THE NEW YORK TIMES DESSERT COOKBOOK, WNE WITH FOOD and her latest, CITY HARVEST: 100 RECIPES FROM GREAT NEW YORK RESTAURANTS, she has been writing weekly pieces in the New York Times for decades. A graduate of Smith and NYU (she has a Masters in French), she got her start writing for the East Hampton Star. Now she writes the “Front Burner” and “Off the Menu” columns, plus the “Pairings” column.