BONUS EPISODE: Nora McInerny on her non-profit, Still Kickin

BONUS EPISODE: Nora McInerny on her non-profit, Still Kickin

Watch a video from this interview here!

Nora: Still Kickin is a retail-based nonprofit, which means we primarily are a retail company. We sell these shirts and many other items. Most of them say Still Kickin, which is a shirt that you're holding, this kelly green shirt with weathered-looking letters that's a tracing of Aaron’s favorite shirt. He was wearing that the day that he had a seizure, which is the day that we found out that he had a brain tumor. We thought that was so funny. I remember walking into the ER. He was like, “Hey,” pointing at his shirt. I'm like, “What a shirt. What a great shirt. Let's bust you out of here.” It turns out it was really serious, what was happening to him. We didn't know. We were so oblivious. This was Aaron’s idea. All of it was Aaron’s idea. Almost right away when he found out he had cancer, he was like, “I want to recreate this shirt. I want to sell it. I want to give the money to people who really need it.”