Fanny: What I think is really wonderful about people adopting it now is the quality of the experience of those things, being more sensuously acquainted with your food and cooking more, which I think everyone's doing now and realizing how much pleasure there is there. It's getting back into the kitchen. Really using your senses too I think gives you this reprieve from, especially in this moment, all the anxiety and all the other preoccupations around work or homeschooling, I can imagine, and all those things. I'm happy that this book comes at -- a lot of people have been telling me that it feels like a very sense-activated kind of text. There's a lot of sensory material. It's easy to go into this other place, not just travel to some of the destinations that are spoken about in the book like the South of France where we used to go when I was a kid, but also just traveling through the sense descriptions around food or around smells and flowers or nature.