Casey: Totally. This book is highly personal for me. In a sense, it started when I went off to college around the year 2000 and a friend handed me a little blue pill called Adderall, which had only been on the market for about four years at that point. I wound up spending ten-plus years kind of addicted to this so-called attention pill thinking this pill is necessary for me to succeed and achieve and pay attention. It was only when I was about thirty that I was able to get off because I understood that it had had, ironically, the opposite effect for me. It had shattered my attention. It was in that period of time that I became kind of fascinated by attention itself. Then a couple years later, I had this thought one day. It was such an emotional thought. Why are we giving away our attention so casually? This was about 2015, well into when screens had invaded, but I think before we'd all gotten a little disillusioned with Silicon Valley. It felt like such a pointless thought to have. The fight was over. Silicon Valley had won. It was still the one thing I felt like it was worth devoting my time to do my next book on. It was the one thing that I felt that groundswell of emotion; thought, I could live with this subject for years.