MK: I am in my zone now. I understand this. I see your Play-Doh. What I am just now seeing in your house is exactly what I cover in this book. Honestly, I didn't want it to be too serious. I didn't want it to be a prescriptive book. I wanted it to be like a conversation between two parents from one mother to another like a casual conversation on the couch. My entire goal was just to make parents feel a little less alone. I repeat a lot sometimes that I struggle with postpartum depression, but that's where really all of my writing career was born from. I had a very hard time leaving my house when I had my first son. Just the anxiety was very paralyzing. I found the majority of my supportive community online. Being able to share just very normal experiences of parenting through stories helped me feel less alone. Being able to write those and then share those with other parents has been a really gratifying experience for me. The feedback that I get from other parents is just awesome as well. I love hearing people say, oh, my gosh, I thought that I was alone in that.