Jan: Hannah's War started with a very, very tiny inspiration but an amazing story that I read in The New York Times on the headline on the day that we bombed Hiroshoma, read "Truman vows rain of ruin. Atomic bomb explodes." In that issue of The New York Times, they basically had to explain the whole history of this project because it had all been developed in secret. Under the fold, I saw a paragraph that said the key component that allowed the allies to develop the bomb was brought to us by a female, non-Aryan physicist. That was The Times's way of saying Jewish, which they couldn't say at the time. I read that and I thought, how is it possible that I haven't heard of this woman? Who is it? She's clearly critical to this, to the atomic bomb. Yet there was no name, nothing. It was just that sentence. It sent me into basically ten years of research, not to find her. Once I understood that there was this woman, I actually found her fairly easily.