Suzanne: When I talked to really busy women, women with small kids who were also working full time or sometimes even super busy retirees, remarkably, they all kind of had the same issue. We have this inner dialogue about how we have to push and strive and achieve and do more and more. Teal was all about undoing and being very present. One of the things she wrote on many pages in this journal was "Be, and you know" or "Just be." She used to say that to me. She’d be like, "Mom, just be." Needless to say, I had no idea what she was talking about it. It was very funny, that whole "Just be" thing. Now what I really know is that I am here to do this healing work because I've gotten so much out of it. My life is dramatically different. I'm in a great marriage now and living a blissful life. I can only put it that way. There's balance. I had to learn how to slow down and tune in and listen to myself and be able to answer the question, what do you need right now? a remarkably difficult question for some of us to answer.