Caitlin Moscatello, SEE JANE WIN

Caitlin Moscatello, SEE JANE WIN

Caitlin: See Jane Win, I started working on this book in February of 2017. This was just a couple months after the 2016 election where many women across this country thought that we were going to see the first female president. We obviously know now that did not happen. The public temperature had definitely changed in those months. Right after the election, we know that groups like the ACLU and Planned Parenthood were being inundated with donations from men and women, but mostly from women. Then of course, there was the Women’s March where in sixty countries around the world people were taking to the streets. Right around that time, I want to say it was right around the Women’s March, there started to be these early reports that groups like Emerge America and Emily’s List, these groups that train and recruit democratic women to run for office, they were being completely flooded with applications. In a typical year, maybe there’d be nine hundred women who they might be able to get into their fold. At that point, there were fourteen thousand. It was very, very clear that something was happening. I decided to follow that.