Mary: When we were in the actual tiger reserve, I understood that they didn't want me to take a walk. Actually, I look back fondly at the moment where I said, "Can I take a walk?" because it was a moment in the reserve where there were creatures everywhere, water buffalo and all kinds of birds. There was this wild boar. It was a beautiful, bucolic setting. Obviously if all these animals are out, there wasn't a tiger nearby. I knew that. I learned that on my trip. I thought maybe they'd let me take a walk. Of course, they wouldn't. The real frustration was when I wanted to visit some of the villages. We weren’t in the tiger reserve anymore. I was like, I just want to walk. That was frustrating to me. I felt cooped up. I'm not a good person to coop up. I don't like to be confined. I always have to have an aisle seat. I didn't like the feeling that I couldn't get out and walk. I haven't been on safari in Africa, but people tell me that it's one of the constraints that people feel in Africa. They really don't let you get out and walk.