Dr. Madeline Levine, READY OR NOT

Dr. Madeline Levine, READY OR NOT

Madeline: I think we get stuck in what's happening in the moment being incredibly important. I can remember when my kids were young, every decision seemed like a big decision, select soccer or travelling soccer or local soccer or whatever. We get stuck in that in a way that our kids don't, necessarily. We'd go to a soccer game. There’d be a bad call. The kids would lose. Everybody would be really mad. Then we'd go out for pizza, and the kids were fine. The parents were still sitting at a table kind of bitching about the bad call. To the extent to which we can let go of things and stay ahead, it's helpful. Once you've learned what you needed to learn from something that didn't work, it's time just to move on. My favorite line, actually, is from Carol Dweck who is at Stanford who's known for mindset. She uses the word yet. A kid will say, "I'll never be good at that." She says, "Not yet." A kid will say, "I just can't get calculus," or whatever it is. "Well, not yet." I think that’s a good tonic for this idea that you get things quickly because you don't.