Laura Rossi, Director of Corporate Communications
Laura Rossi is a public relations expert, digital strategist, podcast producer, and published author. For three decades, Laura has led publicity campaigns for bestselling authors as well as national companies and brands in the lifestyle, nonprofit, and art/design industries. Laura worked in-house at top publishers in New York City including Random House/Bantam Doubleday Dell, The Dial Press, Viking Penguin, and W. W. Norton before founding Laura Rossi Public Relations. Laura’s book publicity experience includes working with Terry McMillan, Stephen King, Nicholas Evans, Danielle Steel, Elmore Leonard, Mary Alice Monroe, Sara Paretsky, Jane Brody, John Cleese, Wynton Marsalis, John Grisham, Dennis Rodman, and Paul Krugman, among many others. Laura is the Executive Producer of the Exactly Right podcast "Parent Footprint with Dr. Dan” and has been featured in (or written for) The Huffington Post, The New York Times, NPR, The Chronicle of Higher Education and Psychology Today. Laura has contributed to several books including Make Mine A Double and Fast, Funny, Women. Currently, Laura volunteers as the Director of Publicity for A Mighty Blaze, a social media platform founded in 2020 to help authors publicize and promote their books during the pandemic. Laura frequents New York City and lives in Rhode Island with her husband and twins.